Does LASIK Last Forever?

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LASIK Longevity

What are your LASIK expectations? You may look forward to enjoying a night on the town without glasses framing your face or jumping into a swimming pool without worrying about your contacts. Perhaps you really need the long-term financial advantages, such as not paying for those expensive contacts month after month. While these expectations are realistic, there are some common expectations that aren’t so reasonable.

For instance, it’s not reasonable to expect that you will never again have to wear glasses or slip a contact into your eye. It’s common for some LASIK patients to continue using reading glasses after surgery, and there are some instances in which additional surgeries are needed to completely eliminate the need for corrective lenses. You will know if that applies to you after consulting with one of our professionals and discussing your suitability to LASIK surgery.

Does LASIK Last Forever?

In many cases, LASIK is a permanent procedure, and there are many patients who never have to buy another set of contacts or wear glasses again. You can hope that you will enjoy that outcome, but there is a chance that you will need follow-up procedures to correct minor changes in your vision over time.

While this isn’t what you want to hear, note that most problems that occur after LASIK surgery are easily corrected. Now that you know this, you can adjust your expectations. Instead of believing that 15-30 minutes of laser surgery will forever cure your farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism, believe that you have a great chance of permanently overcoming your eye problems. Also know that LASIK of Nevada will help you correct any problems that do occur after surgery.

Related: Discover These Awesome Advantages to Have LASIK Surgery

Understanding Post-LASIK Regression

LASIK is a safe procedure with few serious risks, but there is a chance that your eyes will regress months or years after the surgery. This procedure works because it reshapes the cornea so that the eye functions normally. LASIK regression occurs when the cornea reverts back to its original shape, either partially or fully.

In many cases, the cause of regression is unknown. In other cases, the eye may just need another round of LASIK or another corrective procedure to achieve permanent results. You may also experience regression caused by natural changes in your vision with time. You visit your eye doctor at least once a year and accept adjustments to your contact or eyeglass prescription due to these changes, so it’s reasonable to expect that your eyes may continue to change after you have LASIK surgery.

Can You Avoid Regression?

While there is no way to guarantee that you won’t experience post-LASIK regression or any other complications, there are some things that you can do to optimize the outcome of your procedure.

  • Only work with an eye doctor experienced with the LASIK procedure. The doctors you will work with at LASIK of Nevada have more than 35 years of combined experience. This allows us to carefully select candidates for the procedure and tailor each session to the individual needs of the patient.
  • Answer all questions in the initial consultation honestly. It’s better to know that you aren’t a good candidate than to pay for a procedure that may not deliver the expected results.
  • Carefully follow the doctor’s orders for care after the procedure.
  • Continue receiving yearly eye exams, and communicate any changes in your vision to your eye doctor promptly. You want to catch signs of regression as early as possible.

It also doesn’t hurt to take care of your eyes in general. Take breaks from the computer, your phone, and other electronic screens. When you’re ready to find out if you’re a suitable LASIK candidate, contact LASIK of Nevada.