How is Custom LASIK Different from Conventional LASIK?
If you’ve ever heard the terms custom and conventional LASIK, you may be wondering what the difference is and which procedure would be best for you. Conventional LASIK, also referred to as standard LASIK, are descriptions of the computer program that is used by the laser to change the shape of your cornea. These are typically older computer programs where the patient’s...
Can I Please Be Put To Sleep During LASIK Surgery?
The idea of someone messing with your eyes can make just about anyone queasy. That’s why many people are reluctant to proceed with LASIK surgery. Not only is another party performing surgery on your eye, but the procedure is also being done while you’re awake and aware of what’s going on. Is this really necessary? Can’t patients sleep during LASIK? Sleep During LASIK—It’s Not...
LASIK Surgery Cost Comparison: What Factors Are at Play?
What is one of the main things that hold people back from getting LASIK surgery? Money. The average cost in the US is around $2,200.00 per eye. Most insurance companies still don’t cover LASIK surgery costs because they view it as an elective procedure. Because of this, LASIK surgery can seem like a large out-of-pocket expense. Since many people are paying out of pocket, it’s...
Must Read: The Essential Guide for LASIK Post Operative Care
LASIK surgery is appealing to many. Because it’s been around for a number of years now, people are more comfortable with the idea of having the procedure done. Have You Considered LASIK Surgery? If so, one of your main concerns may well be with regard to LASIK post-operative care. You probably have many questions, and we are happy to answer them. Your LASIK Post Operative...
The Painfully Obvious Reason Why Squinting Helps You Focus Better
Have you ever been driving along and realized that you’ve been squinting at the last four road signs? Once you have that realization, you start wracking your brain to see if this is something you’re doing regularly or if it’s something rather new. Whether you’ve been squinting for years or just started doing so recently, the truth is that you’re not crazy. Squinting really...
6 Must-Ask Questions for Your LASIK Surgeon
Choosing the professional who will perform your LASIK surgery to correct your eyesight can be a hard decision. There are a lot of factors you need to consider; the most important is which LASIK surgeon has the right experience and knowledge to perform the procedure? Fortunately, there are a variety of questions you can ask your potential surgeon to determine whether they are...