


Is It Just A Common Eye Allergy or Is It Ocular Rosacea?

Is It Just A Common Eye Allergy or Is It Ocular Rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder that is so easy to spot, we all know what it is. Typically beginning after the age of 30, Rosacea causes a flaming redness to appear on the cheeks, nose, chin or forehead. Sometimes, the ruddiness even spreads to the neck, chest, scalp, and ears. Marked by bumps, swellings, acne and tortuous blood vessels, Rosacea majorly impacts the...

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Why Reputable LASIK Clinics Must Have a High Staff-To-Patient Ratio

Why Reputable LASIK Clinics Must Have a High Staff-To-Patient Ratio

LASIK is Not a Life-Saving Medical Procedure LASIK is not an emergency procedure – it is elective surgery, and patients come with a very different requirement profile. To illustrate this point, if a patient seeks medical help for an appendix removal, the decision is not a `choice’, but a `necessity’. The primary task of the medical staff at a good hospital is to make sure the...

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Most Eye Injuries That Need Children To Be Rushed To The ER Are Caused By Air Guns

Most Eye Injuries That Need Children To Be Rushed To The ER Are Caused By Air Guns

A lot of us remember how much fun we had during our growing up years playing with air guns. Going “hunting” in the woods during school breaks, practicing target shooting, banding up with friends into armed war groups… It is fortunate that we came out of those exciting air-gun playing days without an accident, but a lot of children are not so lucky. A study of pediatric eye...

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Can Black-Ink Tattoos Be An Unwitting Cause Of Uveitis?

Can Black-Ink Tattoos Be An Unwitting Cause Of Uveitis?

Whoever thought that tattoos could possibly have any negative impact on the eye? But, according to a research from the John Hopkins School Of Medicine, such a thing is not only possible, the link is fast being established as people with black-ink tattoo art on their skin have been found with an eye condition called Uveitis. Uveitis is a condition where the middle layer of the...

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Why Seeing Halos is Natural After LASIK Surgery

Why Seeing Halos is Natural After LASIK Surgery

If you’re like a majority of LASIK patients who have been toying with the idea of being lens-free for years, you’re probably expecting to see stars after the procedure. What is this halo then? Halos, or glares as they’re also called, are a common occurrence during the first few days or weeks after the surgery (both LASIK and surface ablation). You see a ring of hazy...

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