Can The Habit Of Reading A Book In Bed Really Hurt The Eyes?
A topic about eye health that’s currently doing the rounds in social media is reading while lying down. Rumor has it that some research studies have proved a connection between this common habit and permanent eye damage. And concerned people are looking back to years of curling up in bed with a book, and wondering what their next routine eye check-up will reveal about the...

Is The Baby Crying Too Much or Is It Epiphora?
Infants come with their own, special share of common baby-related illnesses. But, along with the usual coughs, colds, and digestive troubles, parents also have to be constantly aware of signs of problems related to the eye. Babies cannot communicate discomforts in the eye without crying, and tears can camouflage an eye condition involving blocked tear ducts. Look out for...

Pop The Cork, Not The Eye: How To Safely Open A Bottle Of Champagne
It’s something you’d expect Tom to do in a Tom And Jerry cartoon. But ask 900,000 Britishers, and they will tell you that getting punched in the eye by a champagne cork is no funny matter. They should know because 12% of the UK’s entire population suffers from champagne-related injuries every year. Before you start calling them a nation of party animals, know that the...

How To Keep Conjunctivitis Out of Classrooms
If you are a parent or a teacher, you are well aware of the scrouge of Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) in a classroom. Once a child gets it, others go down like dominos with the infection. This contagion of inflamed eyes is an enthusiastic traveler, spreading quickly through direct contact with an infected child’s bodily secretions, and naturally, classrooms, playgrounds and day...

How Exactly Does Smoking Harm The Eyes? Here Are 9 Ways
Lungs and heart are not the only essential organs that get compromised by the habit of smoking. With many years of smoking, vision also begins to degenerate, but because blindness isn’t life-threatening, this worrisome fact is often overlooked when putting out statutory warnings against smoking. There are 4,700 chemicals contained in a stick of cigarette and delicate retinal...

Forget Celebrities – Even Star Wars Robot C-3PO Had LASIK Surgery!
What can be a more ringing endorsement for LASIK than the fact that even an autonomous programmable machine like Star War’s C-3PO, with his outstanding celluloid representation of robotics and fluency in over 6 million forms of communications, couldn’t solve his own vision problems without the help of refractive eye surgery! During the filming of Star Wars: Episode III –...