Let’s Look Back at LASIK
The History of LASIK LASIK eye surgery has seen a rather substantial evolution since its original inception. It didn’t just happen overnight, either. While LASIK is a routine procedure now, it once stood as a major operation. For anyone interested in LASIK eye surgery, having a general understanding of where it came from, how it has changed, and what it is today is...
Confessions of a Contact Lens Wearer
“Call me vain if you want, but glasses just don’t fit my image since I started my senior year of college. It’s not purely a physical thing, although I must say that I do look way better when I’m wearing my contacts and get tons of compliments from the ladies. It’s just that I find wearing glasses would interfere with my lifestyle. After all, I like to maximize my time...
Fun Vision Quizzes!
Optical Illusion Tests Optical illusions are both fun and fascinating. They also provide us with the chance to experience how our eyes and minds can actually be fooled into seeing something that does not exist or failing to comprehend something that does. The mystery further deepens when the same image is perceived differently from one person to the next. Hermann Grid The...
Discover These Unexpected Awesome Advantages to Have LASIK Surgery
If you have vision problems, you may have considered getting LASIK, which is laser eye surgery. Many people love the idea of having a better vision but aren’t sure if the process is worth it. Here are five great reasons to consider ditching glasses and getting the best vision of your life. 1. Your vision is better than ever. Most people with vision problems are...
Test Your Eyes: Astigmatism
Astigmatism Astigmatism is a refractive error of the eye in which the eye is not able to focus light properly. Instead of light focusing on a single point on the retina, there are multiple, focal points in front of the retina, behind it, or sometimes both. This causes the image to look blurred or distorted regardless of the distance. Almost everyone has a certain degree of...
Test Your Vision by Bezold Effect
What is the Bezold Effect? The Bezold effect, first described by its namesake Wilhelm von Bezold, occurs when the hue of a color is altered in appearance by the presence of surrounding colors. For example, a yellow box adjacent to a blue one will appear darker than a yellow box adjacent to a red one to the human eye. Additionally, colors may acquire a perceptible tint from...