I LOVE My LASIK! – Tyson Russell
Tyson shares his experience as a LASIK of Nevada patient. In this video, he talks about his decision to have LASIK, his research into LASIK, the staff at LASIK of Nevada, the day of the procedure, and how his students can no longer pull a fast one on him! My name is Tyson Russell, and I had my procedure just a little over a week ago. I decided to have LASIK because I really...

I LOVE My LASIK! – Andrew Spillman
Andrew shares his experience as a LASIK of Nevada patient. In this video, he talks about his decision to have LASIK, the research involved in making the decision to go ahead with LASIK, the staff at LASIK of Nevada, the day of the procedure, his results and the investment in his health care. My name is Andrew Spillman, I had my procedure about 8 months ago. I decided to have...

I LOVE My LASIK! – Andrea Tierney
In this I LOVE MY LASIK! video, Andrea shares her experience as a LASIK of Nevada patient. She talks about her decision to have LASIK, her research, the LASIK of Nevada staff, the day of the procedure, her results and how she looks at her investment in LASIK. And check the end of the video, where she REALLY is excited about her new vision! Hi! My name’s Andrea Tierney,...

Is LASIK Associated with Dry Eye?
Dr. Rothman answers a common questions about LASIK – Is LASIK associated with dry eye? There is a known association of dry eyes with lacing for the same reason that there’s an association of drives with contact lens use. I first understanding the cause of dry eyes and contact lens wearers it’ll be easy to understand why LASIK has a similar effect in both...

How Has LASIK Changed Over the Years?
Dr. Rothman of LASIK of Nevada talks about the changes that have taken place in LASIK since 1995. I’m often asked, “How has LASIK changed over the years?” Well, I can remember back to 1995 when I did my first LASIK vision correction procedure, I had a cell phone that was shaped like a brick. And if you compare that brick cell phone technology to an iPhone today, you can see...

What Will I Feel During The LASIK Procedure?
Dr. Rothman of LASIK of Nevada answers an often-asked question: What will I feel during the LASIK procedure? “What will I feel during the LASIK procedure?” is a question I get asked all the time. And the answer is, my patients feel touch, stretch, a little bit of pressure, but you won’t feel anything sharp or painful. And with our new all-laser LASIK technology, it’s even...